Take that, Ville!

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The TPL Post-Game report is on its way, but I thought that his dandy little quote from Uncle Mike couldn’t wait. As everyone knows by know, Ville was the healthy scratch for the New York Rangers game — a game in which the Red Wings won 3-1. Said Uncle Mike to Ansar Khan:

I don’t know if it’s a message. The bottom line is we went through it today, talked about [it]. It’s about trying to win, so we dressed the best guys.

OWNED! In a strange coincidence (or is it), the last time Ville Leino was a healthy scratch was Halloween, a game against the Calgary Flames that the Wings also won 3-1. Current General Manager of the Leino Lounge said the following – presumably in broken Finnglish:

It’s never fun to be off the ice, especially now. Obviously, you want to be a part of the group. But something had to be done and I guess it was my turn to be out.

Mike Babcock is notoriously stubborn about changing lines, but one can’t help but wonder if — since this lineup worked — Leino stays out of the lineup for longer than one game. If that’s the case, how long do you think it’ll be until the “I’m going back home” threats come?