Red Wings re-sign Oulahen and McGrath, and a note about McCreary

McGrath and Oulahen

The Red Wings announced that they have re-signed restricted free agents Ryan Oulahen and Evan McGrath to one-year two-way deals. There were no financial terms given, but it’s safe to assume they’re worth near-league minimum at the NHL level. For what it’s worth, Oulahen’s contract last season was worth $475,000 in the big leagues, and McGrath’s was worth $633,333.

As Kyle at Babcock’s Death Stare shares, both of these signings are probably for the Griffins – and both will be big-time AHL veterans. However, as Kyle mentions, it wouldn’t be absurd to think that one of them could fill that fourth line role we mentioned last week.
Randall Gelech (the last remaining RFA who isn’t named Jiri Hudler) was not qualified, became an unrestricted free agent, and is unlikely to be re-signed by Detroit. Expect him to become a depth signing in someone’s organization like Jeremy Williams and Kris Newbury were for the Red Wings earlier this month.
Gelech, Hudler, Chelios, Downey, and McCarty are the outstanding free agents, as of July 23rd.
With McGrath and Oulahen signing contracts, the Red Wings now have 43 players under contract, leaving 7 openings. Last year, after training camp, the Red Wings had 47 players counting against their 50-man roster limit.
The NHL announced that Bill McCreary and Greg Kimmerly will referee the NHL Premiere (that aren’t actually Premiere) games between the Detroit Red Wings and St. Louis Blues. McCreary’s presence at this game ensures that EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE will be done make sure the Pittsburgh Penguins win…. I mean….