Comments on: Loss Candy: Canadian Teen Soap Opera Edition Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Mon, 02 May 2011 04:46:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janey Snyder Mon, 02 May 2011 04:46:00 +0000 In reply to Michael Petrella.

I am not into thin men. As evidenced by my cyber crush on hollis (OOOHHH BURN!) Thus, Marco is a no go. No Marco. No. Oh! That Doctor guy of Anya’s is a hottie, if not a pedophile.

Manny is a ho. She did get like full herpes kind of. But Mia had her baby with that total loser guy brother of Jane’s. THEN she sucked off the football player guy to get a modelling job. Her priorities are all askew.

True, Fiona should be seen and not heard. I liked Ellie, but I prefered Jane. She was sassy and tough.

Eli is a total emo-lame-o. He sucks and his hair sucks and his hearse sucks and his writing sucks and his parents suck. Eli sucks. Claire got her eyes done and cut her hair and isn’t quite so lame. She’s not as fat as effing JENNA, who also totally sucks and is a super bad friend for stealing KC away from Claire.

Also, I like Holly J, as she is hot, sassy, smart, and kind of a bitch. She was great in the stripping scene with Sav, no??

By: Steven Roxelle Mon, 02 May 2011 01:51:00 +0000 Of COURSE you would put Degrassi actors up here.

By: Michael Petrella Mon, 02 May 2011 01:31:00 +0000 In reply to Janey Snyder.

1. Totally aware that Marco’s gay. As is Adamo Ruggiero in real life. My wife thinks he’s the most beautiful male that’s ever been on the show. I think Zane is pretty handsome, but Marco is rather hunky — gay or not.

2. Fuuuuuuuck that. If I’m a 16-year-old in high school with the character Mia, I’d probably think the same as you. But Nina Dobrev — Good lord is she gorgeous. And if anyone’s a hoe, it’s Manny. She may not have had a baby, but she blew through Craig Manning (WITH WHOM SHE ABORTED A POTENTIAL CHILD), Sully, Spinner, J. Fucking T., Damian, and Douchebag Jay. Come on, now… challenge me. =)

3. I hated Paige. I’m fucking thrilled that heifer is off the show. Fiona is cute, but I can only stand her for thirty or forty second bursts and then I need her to shut up and go away. Speaking of cute girls from the Paige days, though… I dug Ellie. She was adorable. And so was Darcy, once she got over the whole Bible Camp thing she had going on.

4. Eli MAY be crazy, but he’s good(ish) looking and Claire should be dropping to her knees, thanking her big fat cow stars that he’s even aware she exists. Boom. I just went there. It IS the most go-there-ingest show in TV, they tell me.

By: Janey Snyder Mon, 02 May 2011 01:02:00 +0000 In reply to Michael Petrella.

But Michael, I don’t have any pictures of you to compare to the adorable dark haired Hollis. My hockey blog crush has to remain on Hollis. He is adorable. That fuzzy facial hair?? Come on, he’s a cutie.

1. Why Marco? You know he’s gay. You should have given the girls someone better to gawk at….like…Declan was semi-okay; I mean he was loaded. That teacher Paige slept with was pretty hot too.

2. Mia is a ho. I’d take Manny any day over Mia. Mia had a baby at age 14!!! You can’t touch the sides with her.

3. Paige was always a fave for me. I have a personal preference for the spirit squad being a former cheerleader. But this season, omg FIONA!!!! Hello, the super hot rich lesbian. Come on, Michael. She could have been loss candy for ALL of us.

4. Can you believe Eli and Claire? He’s such a nut. I’m ready for him to get written off the show.

And now I think I’ve said a little too much about degrassi.

Go Wings.

By: Michael Petrella Mon, 02 May 2011 00:22:00 +0000 In reply to Janey Snyder.

Uh… I don’t see Hollis’ name anywhere on this post. I just don’t want to get him or his lovely fiance in trouble.

My wife got me into it. She digs it. I’m kinda hooked. We had an argument about who’s hotter… Mia or Manny. It’s no contest in my book, but would love your input.

By: Janey Snyder Sun, 01 May 2011 23:36:00 +0000 stfu you guys know about degrassi?!??? I just died a little inside. My love for the production line just great ten times…Hollis’s fiance should be concerned.
