Comments for The Production Line – TP:60 Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Thu, 18 Jul 2013 14:11:00 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Clearing the Logjam by jdw Thu, 18 Jul 2013 14:11:00 +0000 Samuelsson has to go! And Bertuzzi too, as much as it pains me to say

Comment on Clearing the Logjam by Mike Wed, 17 Jul 2013 18:17:00 +0000 Some thoughts on Tatar:

#1 – After winning the Calder Cup, Tatar was interviewed (I believe on the flight back, but for the life of me, I cannot find it) and I recall Tatar saying that Holland had called him after the win and basically told him he had a roster spot on the Red Wings next year.

Now obviously, business is business, and nothing says that Tatar couldn’t be moved, but it would seem weird for Holland to give the thumbs up and then trade the guy.

#2 – You mentioned his attitude and strained relationship with the team. I don’t know if he was publicly negotiating when he made those comments in the off season. But certainly it had an effect. I thought it was curious that those comments happened and then he sorta got bumped up ahead of Goose on the depth chart for awhile.

Having said that, we could be in a kind of situation like Fedorov or Ian White – if he’s showing this kind of displeasure, then when it comes time to re-sign him next year as an RFA, he may hold out for big money and wait for an offer sheet to force our hand. Or maybe the Wings let him sit and stew like they did with White.

#3: If they are going to trade Tatar, now may be the time to do it. Calder Cup winning, playoff MVP, one year to go before he becomes an RFA. Could unload him on another team for a big name or a big draft pick. His stock could rise higher if he blows up the NHL, or it could plummet if he struggles. If you’re going to move him, move him now.

#4 – Damien Brunner may actually sort influence what happens with Tatar. Tatar and Brunner serve the same kind of role on the team, and he’s heading off somewhere else. Tatar may very well look at Brunner and say, “Shit, I can do that!”

Comment on Clearing the Logjam by Matthew Shea Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:18:00 +0000 It would be beyond frustrating to see Tatar get moved, but it is easy to see happening as he is the most valuable piece the Wings have. The Wings tout their long development process as making their players as good as they are when they reach the league but Tatar and Nyquist are really the first two in a while who will be brought up that can make an immediate scoring impact. To go through that long development process just to let him go after also letting Brunner walk just doesn’t make sense to me. Hopefully his attitude will be somewhat tempered by the fact that while he was not brought up during the playoffs, he was given a chance to offensively lead the Griffins to a championship.

The two I would like to see gone are Tootoo and Samuelsson. Tootoo has just never struck me as a piece the Wings needed. Maybe that changes going into the East but the Wings have had to deal with douche bag teams before ie. Anaheim and have had success. I think we need the Helm/Emmerton/Eaves type guys who can wear on the other teams players through speedy tenacious play more than we actually need the physically confrontational players. Tootoo might be tenacious but most of his gloves dropping escapades this year seemed to be set matches that served little to no purpose. I don’t really recall him ever actually stepping in to fight someone in the defense of one of his teammates.

Samuelsson is just worthless at this point. Older, injury prone, with a large contract for what he has brought to the table recently. I have little doubt he would have been bought out if he wasn’t “injured”. Sadly these two guys are the hardest to move. So I’m doubtful I’ll get my wish, but one can hope.

I think Emmerton, Eaves, Bertuzzi all serve a purpose on the team. Bert is just a good team mate who as you’ve pointed is willing to help out wherever he can on the team. Though sadly his time a a shootout specialist might be on the decline with the ending legality of the spin-o-rama. Emmerton being the the emergency back up center who has started to play a very Helm like game. Eaves being are great teammate and has speed PK ability and flashes of skill and scoring prowess make him valuable to the team going forward.

What I think is likely to happen since they are waiting until training camp is that they’ll see how Helm has progressed and trade Emmerton if he’s doing better. I think Tootoo is the other one to be moved as he does have some value and the lack of a NTC.

Comment on Clearing the Logjam by tickyboxes Wed, 17 Jul 2013 16:55:00 +0000 I think Samuelsson is either outright gone or off to LTIR. I think Bertuzzi sticks around in camp until something happens with his nephew Tyler, and then is off to LTIR or hangs the skates up as a Red Wing. Either Tatar or Emmerton will get dangled as potential trade fodder, and possibly Jordin Tootoo.

Not mentioned in the mix: Danny Cleary. Yes, he’s not the player he once was, but he found a way to contribute in the playoffs despite a broken finger and separated shoulder- and he’s one of the character guys/reclamation projects Babcock really likes. He’s also got some of the size of a Bertuzzi, and has demonstrated that he’ll play on either wing, on any line, and any situation the team asks- even when he probably shouldn’t be in the lineup at all.

I don’t think that Helm returning in short order is a given. In fact, I think it’s something of a long shot at best at this point that we’ll see him before the season starts, which could make space for a fifth guy to stick around of the laundry list of possibles.

Comment on Clearing the Logjam by JJfromKansas Wed, 17 Jul 2013 16:23:00 +0000 Since I don’t think there’s a way that, after Andersson and Nyquist sign, there’s going to be a specific need to dump guys based solely on cap hit, I’m only going to consider players on their merits and their usefulness. While it would be nice overall to flat out be rid of Samuelsson’s $3m hit just because the number offends me, I wouldn’t call that a strong piece of consideration.

That said, I think Bertuzzi is the most-flexible piece the Wings have and that makes him the safest. If he’s healthy, he can be on a top line. If there’s no room for him there, he’s shown willingness to play well on lower lines and chemistry with Helm. I also don’t expect him to make a big stink about being not healthy enough to play.

Tatar is the most-skilled and would be the hardest to part with for me, because I’d rather have a skill guy like Tatar on the fourth line than a pest/fighter. If we’re looking for guys to provide energy, there’s not much like actually creating scoring chances to do that.

Eaves and Emmerton are in direct competition here for me. Both of them PK well. Eaves is a better scorer, but Emmerton is a center. I’d make peace with parting with either one of them, really. I think if the value in return for their departure were equal (which it wouldn’t be… but the difference probably won’t be important), I’d keep Eaves. I think Eaves drives possession better than Emmerton does. The emergency fourth line center consideration is there, but in short cases of being without Helm, I probably let Miller slot awkwardly there. I probably accomplish this by letting Zetterberg, Datsyuk, and Weiss take those 4th line faceoffs with Miller on the wing and then changing as soon as possible to get a replacement winger out there, leaving Miller to play the rest of the shift at the center position.

This also leaves Tootoo in competition with Samuelsson. Both are supposed to be more difficult to play against right-handed shooters. Tootoo is more of a pest while Samuelsson is ALMOST a big forward. Honestly, I would use either in the emergency top six role if I absolutely had to. Tootoo’s 30-point season in Nashville might have been a fluke, but I think it tasked as the piano-mover, Tootoo can be temporarily effective doing that. I also think the Wings essentially have a plan going forward to use a guy like Tootoo as a regular season specialist whose usefulness disappears in the playoffs. He doesn’t so much keep flies off as he’s just kind of a punishment magnet. All in all, I’d try to get rid of Samuelsson, but I’d live with getting rid of Tootoo instead. One way or another, I’d have the one of these two which we keep as a healthy scratch almost all the time.

Comment on Clearing the Logjam by Kyle Wed, 17 Jul 2013 16:20:00 +0000 Tatar has to stay and eaves too. I’d like to hang onto Tootoo and emmerton. Bertuzzi and Sammy can go

Comment on Final 2013 NHL Mock Draft by Jeff Hancock Sun, 30 Jun 2013 00:53:00 +0000 Pulock is going to be the steal of the 1st round.

Comment on Roster Monster Mash by Bryan Prince Thu, 13 Jun 2013 15:52:00 +0000 In reply to Nick.

Not sure how you define “Goal Scorer” but anyone who can lead the Hawks in Playoff goals would be a “Goal Scorer” in my book. And playoff performance is not indicative of skill? It’s the playoffs that matter most. Now, one playoff may not be indicative of long term performance, but when Bickell has been given a chance in the top 6 he has scored regularly. This season, altho not in the top 6 all season, he scored 9 goals which in half a season extrapolates to 18 goals for a full season. If he spent the whole season in the top 6 I’d expect him to score at least 20 goals and be a force in the playoffs again.
That being said, Clarkson has scored 30 goals and extrapolating this season’s 15 to a full season – there is a pattern of 30 goal capability.
I wouldn’t want to pay Bickell $5 M but I’d give him $ 4M for 3. Clarkson I’d go as high as $5 M.
I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

Comment on Roster Monster Mash by Bryan Prince Wed, 12 Jun 2013 19:36:00 +0000 In reply to Nick.

I hear what you’re saying, Nick. We’ve definitely seen our share of one hit wonders over the years. but I don’t think Bickell is one of them. As far as I know he has never played top 6 minutes before this season. Franzen’s numbers his first two seasons (as a checking line guy) were 12 goals, 10 goals. Once he got a chance on the top 2 lines and his role changed, he flourished. Only time will tell though.
Clarkson however scored 30 last year and would’ve done the same this year if he scored at the same pace over a full season. I think I’d still pick Clarkson between the two. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Comment on Roster Monster Mash by Bryan Prince Wed, 12 Jun 2013 19:23:00 +0000 In reply to Michael Petrella.

Whew! You had me scared there, Michael. :>)
