stevierox – The Production Line – TP:60 Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Tue, 14 Aug 2012 13:00:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Guys Tue, 14 Aug 2012 13:00:25 +0000 I haven’t done much of anything Red Wings this offseason, but here’s a couple of digital sketches of the newcomers to the team.

Commissions Fri, 03 Aug 2012 14:00:13 +0000 It's going to be hard to break the habit of picking on Hudler.If you’ve ever wanted a drawing from me, now is the time to get it. I’m opening up commissions, ideally to raise a bit of money to a certain winter event coming up. Details behind the cut. (And don’t worry, I should be posting a few more Red Wing cartoons here soon-ish, and as always, you can find me at Biscuit Fox.)

Commission Types


Ink: $15 / Color: $25

Full Body:

Ink: $25 / Color: $40

Both busts and full bodies are sketched and inked on Bristol board, with digital coloring. Flat/gradient color backgrounds are free, complex backgrounds extra based on description.

Custom Twitter picture:

$15-20, based on detailing

Purely digital 400×400 drawing of you or whoever, to be used as an icon picture for Twitter or Tumblr. Price based on description.

More complex pieces (like the political cartoon I did for Winging It In Motown) are available for $50 and up. Email me for more details on that one.

Please email me at stevieroxelle [at] gmail [dot] com to commission me.

Floating Heads Sat, 31 Mar 2012 17:16:47 +0000 (Let’s see if I can get this to post correctly this time.)

I’ve managed to find some free time (shocking), and I’ve been meaning to experiment with something completely digital. So here’s a couple of caricatures of a few forwards.

This is the first one.
Pavel still remains a challenge.
Haha, I could resist the text.

I’d like to do some more, but we’ll see if time frees up.

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Wings Beat Oilers: Sketchy Migraine Postgame Thu, 09 Feb 2012 03:57:29 +0000 Final Score: 4-2 Wings (Hi, Mr. Petrella!)


  • The first thing of note is Abdelkader did his Abdelkader thing and gets in a fight with Ryan “The Flow” Jones, for payback on what looks like a clean hit. Abby gets an extra 2 minutes for cross-checking Jones before the fight.
  • Franzen scores a goal on the power play (I know, right?!) after tipping in a shot-pass from Ian White. Datsyuk has the 2nd assist.
  • After Emmerton is sent to the box for holding at 15:27 in the first, Stuart joins him approximately 45 seconds later for boarding Eberle. No big deal, though, because the Wings kill the 5-on-3 and the remainder of the Stuart’s penalty.
  • Two minutes into the second, Emmerton chips in the puck, after Abdelkader does most of the work. Abby wins the puck against the boards and tries to jam it in on Khabibulin, and Emmerton cleans up after him.
  • Nine minutes later, Gagner scores. I didn’t happen to see this goal because of my feed crashing, but from the sounds of it, it occurred because of a sloppy line change. Ben Eager slams into Cleary as everyone is trying to change. Ericsson was making a move to get off, but instead moved to fight with Eager. White was just getting on the ice. The puck got to Gagner, and he managed to have a breakaway. Since I didn’t see it, I’m not passing judgement on any of it. However, I think this is accurate:
  • Holmstrom gets called for goalie interference, when he was blatantly shoved into Khabibulin by Whitney. Nice reputation call there.
  • After the Wings kill that penalty, they get called again for too many men on the ice. That penalty bleeds into the third period, but they manage to kill that one as well.
  • Abdelkader, starting to get a bit rougher in the 3rd, trips Hemsky and is sent to the box. While he stews in there, Gagner scores another goal. At this point, we’re all tied up with twos.
  • A little more than two minutes after that, the tie is broken by Miller. Abdelkader again does most of the work. His initial shot is blocked, but the puck trickles out from between Khabibulin’s legs, and both Helm and Miller started swinging at it. Drew Miller pots it, continuing his excellent record against the Oilers.
  • Four minutes after that, Zetterberg scoops up a lose puck in front of the net and then very patiently pulls it to the left side of the net, and sinks it.

Lesser things of note:

  • The Press Box King was again caught tweeting during the game. It admittedly was in excitement of his Twitter chum Emmerton’s goal, but still, social media during the game is not allowed. I still wonder what the punishment is for breaking those rules. Apparently it’s not enough to keep him from doing it.
  • Joey Mac had a decent game, mostly because the Wings suppressed shots. He only faced 17 shots, where Khabibulin faced 30. He still seems to bobble rebounds (which led to Gagner’s second goal), but his second start in a row probably indicates that the Wings have possibly lost faith in Conklin?

Bonus drawings:

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Team TPL All Star Logo Fri, 27 Jan 2012 13:30:58 +0000 I’m swamped, so this is my only contribution to Team TPL’s battle this weekend, except for cheering.

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This Time John Wayne Does Not Walk Off Into the Sunset With Grace Kelly:Wings Beat Predators Tue, 27 Dec 2011 03:47:59 +0000
Stop distracting, Babcock, I watch Cleary score goal in second.


4-1 Wings

I was watching the game while working, so my observations are sporadic, but the Wings looked good tonight. Real good. They finally potted a win on the road, against a team who notoriously gives us trouble. Cleary, in his post game interview, attributed at least partially to the absence of Weber. Whatever it was, the Wings looked strong from what I saw.

Your goal scorers were Filppula (twice), Datsyuk, and Cleary. Filppula’s first came from Zetterberg capitalizing on a turnover, and gives a great pass up to Filppula all alone in the slot. Datsyuk’s was a wraparound that he called before the referees did, and that had to be reviewed in Toronto. Cleary’s technically came 13 seconds after the Datsyuk goal. That goal I think was a bit of a backbreaker, and Filppula’s goal was icing on the cake. He was presented with a completely open net after some dirty work around the goal by Abdelkader and Emmerton.

The only Nashville goal came late in the 3rd. Blum flung a wobbly puck in, that Jimmy just didn’t see in time. Otherwise, Howard had an excellent game, as usual, and the Wings prevented Nashville from scoring on the power play, who entered the game with the league’s second best power play.

In other small notes, Darren Helm played with some gnarly stitches after taking a puck to the face in the pregame skate, and Holmstrom left the bench in the third, which has now been evaluated as a lower body injury. Hopefully its nothing serious and we’ll get our net crasher back soon.

Jimmy Howard. Monster saves. Twenty-one wins. Aw yeah.

Hard to decide, but I’m giving it to Ericsson. It’s practically tradition.


The Wings play St. Louis tomorrow at 7:30 EST, at the Joe. I think one of the gents have pregame tomorrow, so rejoice! You shall be free of me and back in the capable hands of Petrella, Discher, and Hollis soon.

Dec. 26th:: Yippee-ki-yay, Motherfucker Mon, 26 Dec 2011 18:30:34 +0000
Now I know what a TV dinner feels like.

Red Wings vs. Predators, in Nashville, 8:00 PM Eastern. Game is on FSD and FSTN.

:: Detroit lost to Calgary last Thursday, despite a third period rally. That feels like forever ago.
:: Predators lost to the Stars on Friday, 6 to 3.
:: This is the third out of six meetings with the Preds this season. The first time we beat them 4-1, the second time they beat us 4-3. Let’s hope it goes more like the first meeting than the second.

Pekka Rinne is too much fun to say. He has one of those names you have to say in full, like Tuuka Rask.

No former Wings on the Predators, and no former Predators on the Wings.

THE LINEUP (As far as I know, to be updated if necessary)
Franzen :: Datsyuk :: Bertuzzi
Filppula :: Zetterberg :: Hudler
Cleary :: Helm :: Miller
Abdelkader :: Emmerton :: Holmstrom

Nicklas Lidstrom :: Ian White
Brad Stuart :: Niklas Kronwall
Jakub Kindl :: Riggy Shitbox

Tiberius Howard
Ty Conkblock

Eaves [face]
Conner [hand]
Mursak [left ankle]
Commodore [Twittering]

The TPL Name Game “Three Stars”
Just like last season, submit your nickname suggestions (follow the theme!), and we’ll use our Facebook page to allow people to vote for the best… the winner gets a free TPL t-shirt!
PETRELLA:  Mike “Trust Me, I’ve Been Doing This Eleven Years” Commodore
STEVIE: Pavel “I Am An Exceptional Thief, Mrs. McClane” Datsyuk
HOLLIS & DISCH: Jingle bellin’

:: As we saw in the last game against them, Nashville can come hard in the later periods, and that’s a time to watch out for. Hopefully the Wings don’t do their usual Wingsy thing in the 3rd and let up.
:: In fact, the Wings not playing the whole 60 minutes is becoming a theme. In the last game against Calgary, the Wings picked it up in the third period after the Flames had a 3 goal lead. If the Wings can play all 60 minutes, maybe they’ll blahblahblah I sound like Babcock.
:: The Wings have had a 3 day break, while Nashville only had the weekend off. Hopefully the extra time means more rest and not more rust, and the team comes out ready to go.
:: Nashville hasn’t been the best between the pipes lately, allowing 11 goals total in their last two games. Rinne allowed 5 against Columbus, and then was pulled after allowing 3 goals in 7 shots against Dallas. I assume that Nashville is putting him out tonight over Lindback. Rinne can be scary solid, and he’s had a break, but if the Wings can capitalize on him being leaky then they might be alright.


I watched this whole movie last night, but here’s the short version for you.

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Merry Chrismtas from The Production Line Sat, 24 Dec 2011 17:00:29 +0000 I despise this holiday, but that’s not going to stop me from drawing something silly.

Alternate speech bubbles:

  • What is a “Tumblr” and why do they want “sloppy makeouts?”
  • Do they want us to kidnap Shea Weber or…?
  • What is a “Shitbox” and why do they want it on fire?
  • Do they thing Ken Holland is Santa or something?
  • Why is someone asking me to get you some hooks, Huds?

You can comment with what you think Filppula could be asking Hudler about.

And Merry Christmas everyone.

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Wings Lose to Flames, Merry Xmas Loss Candy Fri, 23 Dec 2011 05:36:31 +0000 I can’t give you a write-up. I saw none of the game, because I was off playing hockey myself, and I do not have the luxury of Center Ice.

However let it not be said that shirked in giving you loss candy.

For the gents:

And for the ladies:

Dec 22nd :: Russ, Go Get the Hammer Thu, 22 Dec 2011 19:00:52 +0000
Shitter's full.

Hey its me again. I don’t get celebrate holidays like a normal person, thanks to being a Master’s student, so I’ve got your next few pregames. In honor of the rest of the TPL team being out of town, today’s nickname theme is Christmas Vacation.

Red Wings vs. Flames, 9:30 PM Eastern. Game is on FSD and TSN, just like last night.

:: Detroit fell to the Canucks in a game which should have been 3-2 if referees understood what goalie interference is.
:: Calgary beat the Wild 2-1 on Tuesday.
:: This is the second time playing against the Flames, in what was the last game of the Wings six game losing streak. The final score was 4-1, Danny Cleary being the lone goal scorer.

I like saying Rene Borque’s name a bunch of times and pretending to be the Swedish chef. I was going to give it to Kostopoulos but he’s a dirty jawbreaker and doesn’t deserve anything nice said about him.

Both Todd Bertuzzi and Ian White once played on the Flames.

There are no former Wings on the Flames.

THE LINEUP (Assumed)
Franzen :: Datsyuk :: Bertuzzi
Filppula :: Zetterberg :: Hudler
Cleary :: Helm :: Miller
Abdelkader :: Emmerton :: Holmstrom

Nicklas Lidstrom :: Ian White
Brad Stuart :: Niklas Kronwall
Jakub Kindl :: Riggy Shitbox

Ty Conkblock
Tiberius Howard

Eaves [face]
Conner [hand]
Mursak [left ankle]
Commodore [Twittering]

The TPL Name Game “Three Stars”
Just like last season, submit your nickname suggestions (follow the theme!), and we’ll use our Facebook page to allow people to vote for the best… the winner gets a free TPL t-shirt!
PETRELLA:  Jonathan “You Check Our Shitters, Honey?” Ericsson
STEVIE: Jimmy “Alright Then, If You’re Not Man Enough To Put An End To This Shit, Then I Am.” Howard
HOLLIS: Jimmy “You Just March Over There And Slug That Creep In His Face” Howard
DISCH: Holidayin’

:: So if you don’t know, I lived in Alaska for a summer. They have a delicacy, if you can call it that, called muktuk, that consists of whale blubber and skin that’s preserved by burying it in the permafrost. It is disgusting. It tastes like rotting fat, and its impossible to break down. Unless you spit it out, you will chew and chew and chew and the flavor will continue to permeate your mouth. I’m treating last night’s game like  a chunk of muktuk, and I’m spitting it out before that shitty flavor taints my palette. Even better, we have tonight’s game to continue to hopefully flush that flavor of dead whale away.
:: If we have to pick one player to watch out for, it would be Jarome Iginla. I like the guy when we’re not playing him, but in the last game he scored two goals and had one assist, and in the game before that (in the previous season) he also had two goals and one assist. The Wings can’t afford to leave him alone tonight.
:: The Flames are 12th in the West, with a 15-15-4 record. This could be one of those games that we should expect to win, except we all know how things go against this team, and I’m certainly not holding my breath.
:: I’m assuming they’re starting Kiprusoff, and besides Iginla, he might be the most dangerous player on the team, because when he’s on he is ON. This is coming from someone who watched his crazy infamous kicksave live in a San Jose game. He’s won 15 games, .915 save percentage, and a 2.49 GAA. Compare to tonight’s starting goaltender for the Wings. Conklin has a .889 save percentage and 3.27 GAA. Of course, Conks hasn’t gotten many opportunities to make up for his previous play, and I want to believe, but I feel kind of vomity about him starting.


Because we need some boob jokes after last night.

This way for some nip slips… I mean Freudian slips.

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