Comments on: Ericsson “Wanted” for Highway Robbery, $9.75 Million Reported Missing Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Fri, 01 Jul 2011 15:42:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sprout Fri, 01 Jul 2011 15:42:00 +0000 In reply to Michael Petrella.

Oh I’m there, he sucks.  I’m just trying to have unreasonable optimism that I might be wrong.

By: Michael Petrella Fri, 01 Jul 2011 15:31:00 +0000 In reply to Ghost of Red Kelly.

If by “no one said a word,” you mean besides The Production Line, you might be right. But I was loud and clear about that play — and that game — being squarely on the shoulders of Jonathan Ericsson. But then again, I look for every opportunity to put a little twist into that little shit.

And for everyone saying that it takes time for defensemen to mature and that there’s potential there… usually it shows up before your thirtieth birthday, so sac up and admit that this guy is a fucking bust.

By: Sprout Fri, 01 Jul 2011 14:42:00 +0000 Let me start by saying that Ericsson is a terrible defenseman.  But how many times have we said that defensemen take time to mature?  How long has it taken Kronwall to consistently play up to his expectations?  Then think about how long Ericsson has been playing defense, a few years?

While I think the number is stupid, there is potential in the shitbox.  You can see at times that he does have the potential to become a Rafalski-ish player.  I never thought that Rafalski was the best at defense, but he brought a great offensive threat to the team.

I’m also a big believer that someone can learn to do anything if they try.  The shitbox better be training like a madman this summer or he’s going to be facing an angry mod of wings fans next year.

I hate this deal, but… In Kenny we trust right?  I guess we have to wait and see.

By: Ghost of Red Kelly Fri, 01 Jul 2011 06:51:00 +0000 …not to mention slow, unable to complete a pass to his own team and generally devoid of anything that looks like hockey sense. He’s honestly the worst player we’ve had here since Aaron Ward, and that’s really saying something.
This signing made me throw a full soda at my wall in my home. I’m an otherwise peaceful man. I don’t know a lot in this world, but after playing D for 30 years and coaching it at a moderately high level, I know the blue line. When this jackhole is on the ice, he’s all I watch. I calculated during three consecutive home games last year the number of his passes (longer than 3 feet) that ended up in our possession, and how many in the opponent’s possession. Wanna guess the percentage of successful passes? If you cynically guessed 25%, you were still giving him too much credit. In 3 games, he attempted 41 passes, completed 8 and even iced the puck 5 times. If we wanted that kind of completion rate, I still have Joey Harrington’s number.
I generally respect and like Holland’s moves. Not all, but most. This is the dumbest signing he could have made — other than a sign and trade, for which I will take it all back. I don’t think that’s the deal, though. I promise you, this will cost us more games again next year, just like he did this year. Want a good example? Go back to the San Jose series and watch Thornton absolutely UNDRESS Ericsson in OT for the game winner. No one said a word, but he was very culpable.

By: Howe's Elbows Fri, 01 Jul 2011 06:15:00 +0000 Us fans gotta hope this Errorson contract was signed to this amount just so Kenny can flip this dud to a budget NHL team hoping to reach teh salary cap floor.
I thought Burke was crazy paying Lebda 1.45M per but Holland trumped him badly with this lost his rag amount.
28 pts in last two seasons for Errorson. A defenseman now 28 yrs old who doesn’t block shots and isn’t physical for his size.
