Comments on: Pass/Fail: Todd Bertuzzi Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Thu, 21 Jul 2011 06:51:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Thu, 21 Jul 2011 06:51:00 +0000 “Delete”

By: Alvin Wed, 08 Jun 2011 16:29:00 +0000 Bertuzzi fought twice *in* Nashville.  The crowd was chanting his name at the Joe when he fought that dude from Phoenix in the playoffs.  I was at both games!

By: Michael Petrella Wed, 08 Jun 2011 14:54:00 +0000 While I stick by my “pass,” I would like to add the following… 

An inanimate chair… with only three legs… could score sixteen goals on the ice with Pavel Datsyuk. For someone that should be contributing in his own right (and he does… just not enough), playing with arguably the best offensive talent on the planet should get him a hell of a lot more than sixteen goals. I think he gets a shit ton of leeway from the non-haters. If Jiri Hudler (who, by the way, only scored six fewer goals in eight fewer games with infinitely less-talented linemates) had 16 goals playing with Pavel Datsyuk, there would still be calls for his head because he’s not 6-3 like Todd Bertuzzi is. 

He’s a pass because of the exponentially decreased expectations I have of him anymore, not because he’s one of the best players on the Red Wings. 
