Comments on: Pass/Fail: Valtteri Filppula Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Mon, 23 May 2011 20:56:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: J.J. Mon, 23 May 2011 20:56:00 +0000 In reply to Chris Hollis.

Absolutely, it’s the blessing and the curse of pass/fail.  I could easily see giving him the rating you did because I think you’re absolutely right about his inability to consistently create offense (which is a 2nd-line Center’s primary job).  I don’t think we’re very far away in opinion on Filppula’s value.

At least you didn’t say something outlandish like “trade him to another team because I know he’d be a first-line center anywhere else and playing under Datsyuk and Zetterberg is holding him back.” 

Man… wouldn’t that be ridiculous if somebody said that?

By: Chris Hollis Mon, 23 May 2011 19:55:00 +0000 In reply to J.J..

Not disagreeing with either of these points and I probably did overlook his defensive contributions a bit. That said, I think alot of us have felt that he’s a solid defensive player and maybe I’m just guilty of taking advantage of that assumption here. 

If Flip is the regular 3rd line center, I’m going apeshit over his year and giving him passing numbers across the board. But for a guy who is the de-facto 2nd line center, his “two-way” game needs a bit more consistency, which can only be gained on the attack, IMO.

By: J.J. Mon, 23 May 2011 18:51:00 +0000 In reply to Red, White, and a Mile High.

 Not to toot my own horn here, but Flip’s CSSI numbers bear this out.  He had an total of +36.5 in the adjustment category, putting him behind only Datsyuk, Zetterberg, and Helm for defensive rankings among forwards for the Wings this season.

By: Red, White, and a Mile High Mon, 23 May 2011 18:37:00 +0000 If judging Flip solely on this post’s contents, I think he gets a “Fail.”  However, I think you completely overlooked his defensive contributions, which were definitely “Passing.”  I would not have thought Flip ended the year a -1, and this boggles my mind.  I think this is a systemic problem, rather than Flip’s individual fault,  I recall many incredible backchecking efforts on his part this year, and very few defensive gaffes.

in summary:
Flip on offense: Fail
Flip on Defense: Pass
Overall: Pass (barely)

By: Kavemokka1 Mon, 23 May 2011 18:34:00 +0000 The expectations for Fil are understood because he is obviously highly skilled.  What seperates him from that next level is he doesn’t make others around him better.  He needs to play with other skilled guys to be effective.  He is (can be) the Wings version of Scotty Pippen which is not a bad thing. Note the time he shared the ice with Pav.  He in no question is on Pavs level but they share traits. The excel with players who instinctly grasp, time, space and forward vision (they see the play developing before others) 

By: J.J. Mon, 23 May 2011 18:21:00 +0000 If we’re not considering the playoffs, he gets a fail from me.  As it stands, the hot streak he ended on pushed him just over the line to pass.

I hate to do it because I like Valtteri Filppula possibly more than I should, but Hollis’ line about lack of consistency rings true.  I’ve passed on expectations that Filppula is going to be the Red Wings’ next top-flight scorer and I’ve come to expect solid 2nd-line minutes where he meshes well with whomever his linemates are on any given night while making a positive difference in the flow of the game.

I think he did that this season.

Unfortunately, there comes a time in Filppula’s career where simply “looking good” is not good enough.  Despite being defensively good, a good passer, and very effective at making space for his linemates, we’ve gotten to the point where his contributions need to come in the form of more points and during the regular season, he regressed.

Detroit scored 34 more goals this season than they did during the injury-plagued hell that was the previous year.  While Filppula was part of that injury parade in playing only 55 games, his 35 points in that span gave him an excellent 0.64 points-per-game clip.  This year in 71 games, that rate stat fell to 0.55.  While that still makes for the 2nd-best per-game pace he’s put up in his career, it’s a step backward.

However, the idea of scoring big points when big points matter came alive.  Valtteri Filppula is clutch in ways that many teams wish their higher-paid guys would be (*cough* Alex Semin *cough*). 
