Comments on: Three Thoughts: Bertuzzi’s Resurgence, Howard’s Way and Hockey Day in America Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Tue, 22 Feb 2011 05:56:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Petrella Tue, 22 Feb 2011 05:56:00 +0000 If *I* can come around on Todd Bertuzzi, anyone can.

I’m still not entirely sold that he’s a “GREAT” hockey player, but he’s damn good this season — particularly early in the season and the last ten days. Part of me thinks its the Shirtuzzi… but the more realistic part of me thinks that he truly is becoming more confident in his situation as a Detroiter. I’ll be totally honest… talking with the man for TWO MINUTES on the plane completely changed my opinion of him. He’s shy, he’s kind, he’s friendly, he may not do a whole lot with the media, but that dude is the salt of the Earth.

I’m over it. You should be, too.

Also, I want to agree with the Foley/Pang comment. I enjoyed that. For the second time this season, I’ve truly enjoyed the broadcast team of an “enemy.” I still love the Wings’ duo, but there are real winners all over the league and I don’t give a shit if Pat Foley pulls for the Hawks. He’s paid to. Nevertheless, a nice experience there.

By: Brad Boswell Mon, 21 Feb 2011 19:37:00 +0000 The save Howard made against Cullen in the shoot out is one of the most ridiculous saves I’ve seen in a while. Howard was so keyed in on the play that he didn’t waste a movement and had Cullen looking confused by the end of his shoot out attempt. Despite Cullen’s fast hands an numerous dekes Howard simply stayed square and refused to make the first move. That’s the sign of a goalie in the zone and playing with a ton of confidence.

It’s great to see Jimmy back to his best form, and here’s hoping that confidence rubs off on our D.

By: Jennifer MacRostie Mon, 21 Feb 2011 16:17:00 +0000 In reply to Krononymous.

I’m actually okay with this. It was time for JR to live in the now and get rid of that greasy 90’s mess living on his head. I didn’t even recognize him. I’m glad that someone at Comcast/NBC/VS realizes that good hair on TV is important.

By: bradigor Mon, 21 Feb 2011 15:53:00 +0000 Jiri Hoodler is Happy’s evil non-smiling twin. Did you see him at one point, he had a grimace on his face.

By: Krononymous Mon, 21 Feb 2011 14:55:00 +0000 It’s called redemption – he’s earned it and he continues to earn it.

Most insidious in this Comcast/NBC merger is the influx of stylists. Engblom has lost his mullet. Jones no longer has a $5.00 Best Cuts do. He may even have a new sport coat.
