Comments on: …and here we go Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Fri, 25 Jun 2010 16:45:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rob Fri, 25 Jun 2010 16:45:47 +0000 ..the Animal Crackers didn't want to play for Detroit?

By: J.J. from Kansas Fri, 25 Jun 2010 14:32:20 +0000 "picture 10,000 screaming fourteen year old girls"

If you picture them screaming in terror instead of with excitement, this mental picture improves significantly.


By: Dena Fri, 25 Jun 2010 13:33:02 +0000 Pitlick. HA!

By: Graham Fri, 25 Jun 2010 13:22:37 +0000 If you get near Hall, ask him how he feels to have his career over before it even starts, since he is now an Oiler. Also, when Hall is selected, try and get a peek at Seguin to see if the relief of avoiding Edmonton is actually visible on his face.

If you do happen to see Kenny, maybe just a "WTF were you thinking giving Tuzzi a raise?" would be in order. First, thank him for all he's done, but then just subtly make him aware that we in Red Wing Nation are a little perplexed how he gets a raise when other guys are taking cuts. Once he has given his reason (which will probably convince you that not only was the Bert deal a good one, but the Earth is flat and hot snow falls up), you can then kiss his ring and get back to covering the rest of the draft; although, once the Wings finish with their pick, that's usually when I turn it off.

By: NOHS Drew Fri, 25 Jun 2010 13:18:01 +0000 A seat near the urinal would be convenient…especially if there's free beverages.

"I must of had me about 15 Dr. Peppers"
