Comments on: Despite signing in June, Todd finds a way… Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Fri, 18 Jun 2010 11:36:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Baroque Fri, 18 Jun 2010 11:36:16 +0000 I despise this with the white-hot passion of a thousand burning suns.

This in my mind means the team is going to fail for another two years. At least that will be it.

And think how easy it will be to cover for the dead cap space of nearly $2 million when TB retires after the first year because of injuries, since at the same time Lidstrom won't be coming back, either!

//bangs head against concrete overpass

By: Graham Thu, 17 Jun 2010 19:09:22 +0000 It wasn't long ago where a lot of us considered Lilja to be our worst defenseman, and we wanted him run out of town; now we're all trying to figure out a way for him to stay while signing all of our RFAs. Basically, a guy can get better over time; maybe it just takes having the poo kicked out of him.

Bertuzzi could suck balls this year, but as long as he stays healthy, I don't see why a repeat of last year is possible. Plus, if he does go on IR, his salary doesn't count against the cap, so it would not be all bad. The risk is there, but with any player over 35 there's a risk. Very few players at Bertuzzi's age come with no issues; maybe it's better to go with the devil you know than the one you don't.

By: J.J. from Kansas Thu, 17 Jun 2010 18:38:41 +0000 If we're lucky, Bert will turn out to be pancakes. You see, you never get the first pancake quite right, it's always a little light or dark or misshapen or something. But, the second one is great. You've learned from the mistakes you made with the first one and now you're making pancakes so perfect that you can see a tear of joy coming out of the corner of Aunt Jemima's smilin' eyes.

Bert was here before, but it just wasn't quite right. Now he's got a chance to make up for it.

(side note: as a younger sibling, I love this analogy, but my older sister doesn't seem to appreciate it quite as much).

By: Mauvais gardien de but Thu, 17 Jun 2010 18:05:15 +0000 Here's the thing about breakfast. So you have bacon, eggs, and sausage and they go good together. But really, you already have bacon so do you NEED sausage? You already have a meat in that meal. What's wrong with some toast or some OJ? There are other things that would complement the meal just as much and maybe even better than adding sausage. Plus, sometimes sausage is good and tastes how you would expect but sometimes you don't know that you've gotten turkey sausage or something you weren't expecting and it just falls short, am i right?

I'm just saying there are other options for lines… I mean, breakfast.

By: jennbikegirl Thu, 17 Jun 2010 16:23:47 +0000 As a proud member of Team Contuzzi, I oppose the signing. Of course I do. And I knew all along that he was only stalling to give me some faint, false hope that I wouldn't have to see him on my team ever again. So much for that idea.

I had resigned myself to the original plan – the 2 years at a $1.5 million cap hit. Even though I hoped it wouldn't happen, I expected it to happen. But the raise? Aside from hating it on principle, we're talking about a 35-year-old with a history of injuries and inconsistency. And the extra money going to him isn't there to give someone else, which may cost us. If we lose someone this summer (like Lilja), or can't call someone up during the season (as happened last year), due to lack of cap space that we essentially bid against ourselves to waste, I for one won't be happy about it.

By: Sara Thu, 17 Jun 2010 15:09:23 +0000 Ugh, Todd Bertuzzi is such a dickweed. TWO MORE YEARS OF DICKWEED. I am not amused, Ken Holland, not amused. *sigh* Especially because I don't trust him not to completely suck and blow now that he's got some semblance of job security. He's. So. Ruined.

As for the rest of it, there are few things less interesting to me personally than number crunching, so I am really more than happy to let you all do it.

I gotta say, I had a good thing going with my fakeboyfriend (Drew Miller, for those who haven't been following along), but if he leaves, it's going to be splits-ville. I don't do LDR. Not even fakeLDR. Bummer. In reality, if we lose Miller, I count that's a loss for the team. He did a good job for us this last season. But Fakeboyfriend is clearly < Abbie/Helmer/Eavester Bunneh.

And further bummer that I won't be able to point to the Red Wings as a whole and be like, ONE OF THEM REALLY, REALLY WANTS TO DO ME, if Lills does leave. My fangirl puck-bunny cred totes drops down a level. Annnnnd, I dunno. I think Lills is from the "My brains got rattled and now I'm suddenly better at hockey camp" with Mule, but pre-concussion Lilja was always scary. The idea of an Ericsson/Kindl defense pairing scares the crap out of me though. Maybe we can knock each of them upside the head good and hard…

By: Vicky Thu, 17 Jun 2010 15:03:15 +0000 Sorry Mikey. And now I want some breakfast — minus the sausage.

By: J.J. from Kansas Thu, 17 Jun 2010 14:59:51 +0000 I'm leaning towards Miller being the odd-man out, but I have no idea what Patrick Eaves expects to be paid now that the Hurricanes aren't on the hook for half his salary. I don't know if he takes $850k after showing his potential like that. I don't want him paid more than that.

I also still want Lilja back, because Ericsson-Kindl as our third pair kind of scares me. But, hopefully Big Rig just went through a goaltender's sophomore slump and he'll be that guy we all saw in the playoffs two years ago.

I'm getting slowly convinced that Bert's cap hit is where a guy who brings what Bert does is worth, but my guts don't feel right. He's riskier than banging a hooker without a condom.

By: MannyK Thu, 17 Jun 2010 14:51:45 +0000 🙂
