Comments on: Retrospectacus: A Voice from the Flash Mob Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Sat, 12 Jun 2010 10:54:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Baroque Sat, 12 Jun 2010 10:54:44 +0000 Excellent post, Sara.

I like the point of distinguishing between a conspiracy and a business plan. A conspiracy would be "let's make damn sure that Chicago wins the Stanley Cup this year" while a business plan is "let's promote the heck out of hockey in Chicago and really hope they win the Stanley Cup this year."

By: Anne from Kansas Fri, 11 Jun 2010 23:28:44 +0000 Sara, you have done such an excellent job of pointing out exactly what is wrong with this league. The NHL has always been a business, hence the reason Ted Lindsay was practically tarred and feathered for his efforts to start a players' union. They are just a particularly poorly run business in the here and now, the ways of which you have excellently described.

Gary is trying so hard to mold the NHL in the model of the NBA from which he came, failing to recognize that not only are they vastly different sports, but have vastly different fan bases. Basketball is a very star-friendly sport, as one player can dominate the game and will spend the entire game on the court doing so. The fans don't care if he travels (something most can't identify anyway), so long as he can dunk from the free-throw line like JJ said. I hate basketball and yet I can identify Kobe or LeBron or hell even Steve Nash anytime they show up on my tv. Hockey is a team sport and even a stud like Lidstrom will only spend less than half of the game on the ice, in shifts no less. I was watching the Blackhawks skate with the Cup on Wednesday, and at best could only identify 5 players by face (or Mullet) without seeing a number. And the fans will care if you apply a separate reffing standard to the stars, especially the blatant non-calls/non-suspensions. The NHL is trying so hard to manufacture superstars and rivalries to attract "casual" fans who know nothing more about hockey than that Carrie Underwood is going to marry a player, but couldn't name Mike Fisher if their life depended on it. In doing that they are disenchanting the true fanbase, who they assume will always be there.

By: Andy Fri, 11 Jun 2010 19:49:14 +0000 To me this all comes down to markets. The Detroit market is saturated. People love their hockey in Detroit, and the economy, not popularity is the issue. So success is not essential for Detroit right now. Chicago and Pittsburgh on the other hand are potentially large markets where a cup could produce big revenue. As you say, this is a buisness and NHL have gotten the results they wished for the last years. Now I don't think there is a conspiracy or that they could pull one off, but I definitely see the league giving nudges or tilting the ice a bit with scheduling and decisions like not suspending Malkin

By: mserven Fri, 11 Jun 2010 17:03:27 +0000 Daaaaamn Sara you set the guest post bar up high. Awesome post!

By: Rob Masters Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:57:55 +0000 I'm really not trying to plug my own blog here and steal some thunder away from this blog or Sara, but I just pulled up an older blog from January, before I started the official Etched In Cold, that hit on some of these same points about rivalries. At least I'm not alone.

Also, as another member of the tin foil flash mob that was lambasted online by the various media outlets, the defense of the whole idea and the statements that were made were well played.

By: jennyquarx Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:24:10 +0000 Great post Sara.

By: Andy Fri, 11 Jun 2010 14:27:31 +0000 Sara, I don't think I have told you how much I love you today, so I LOVE YOU.

That put words to so many feelings that I have, but cannot formulate. And I think you are right.

By: Brad Butland Fri, 11 Jun 2010 14:23:37 +0000 Awesome post Sara!

You're spot on, the NHL is a business. It's clear they are, as you said, trying to work a specific business plan, but it's nice to know that with hard work, some teams can thwart the will of Gary every now and then.

You ought to really think about jumping on a blog more frequently or starting up your own, very well written and interesting!

The Geek

By: Graham Fri, 11 Jun 2010 13:55:51 +0000 There's no question the NHL wants parity. Beyond the salary cap, there is also the "loser point", ensuring that if a team is slightly good enough to get a game into OT, they will get a consolation prize. We used to talk about 4-point games when playing someone in your conference and division; now you can get a game to OT and only lose 1 point on the teawm you are chasing or is chasing you.

Unfortunately, Bettman came from the NBA where it is a hell of a lot easier to market superstars; there's only 11 players on an NBA team, and they are actually on the court a lot more. Plus, 1 player in the NBA can affect the game more than 1 player can in the NHL on any given night. We live in a sports world where it's about the personalities, not about the teams; the individual over the collective, so to speak. There's probably a crack in there about it being more American, but as a polite Canadian I won't make it.

Great stuff. I hope we get to see more of this over the course of the summer. And get those tin-foil hats ready, because October is just around the corner.

By: J.J. from Kansas Fri, 11 Jun 2010 13:49:15 +0000 Oh damn, great post Sara!

This works out pretty well, because I'm working on a couple posts that could be considered companion pieces to this.

I hate hate HATE how the NHL is following the NBA's lead in catering to a few big names. The problem is that they're selling a few people on the ability to do superhuman things. Well, they can't do superhuman things, just things better than regular humans (or even their peers, who are all significantly better than regular humans). Try as science might, they can't make LeBron James actually fly. So, how do they make him "fly"? They do the next best thing, they let him take four steps and then say he dunked from the free-throw line. It's easy to look like you're that much better than your peers when you're held to a different standard.

Once that line is crossed, it's hard to consider the league a "sport" anymore, since they've done everything they can do predetermine outcomes. At that juncture, they've become sports entertainment. Somewhere between pure competition and WWE pageantry.
