Comments on: Capology :: 2010-11 Edition Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Mon, 22 Feb 2010 16:19:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Hey Mon, 22 Feb 2010 16:19:05 +0000 Looking at the capgeek list….Lombardi has been a nice little 2 way player for the Coyotes, he is fast and although he isn't big, he is strong on the puck. It seems he can play centre and wing too.

By: Kevin Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:46:00 +0000 Tomas Plekanec from Montreal. He is preposterously talented, and from what I have been reading not interested in resigning with the habs. A deal around 3.2-3.7 per year. A first line of Datsyuk Filppula Franzen, second of Plekanec Zetterberg Holmstrom. Third/fourth of Cleary/Abdelkader/Miller and Draper/Helm/Eaves.

Do not bring Lilja back, Have Lidstrom,Rafalski,Kronwall,Stuart,Kindl,Ericssonwith Meech as spare change. Howard, and Osgood in goal.

(Helm,Abdelkader,Eaves,Miller all should have contracts between 1.2-1.5 per year)

By: Michael Petrella Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:34:59 +0000 Good stuff, Rob. Thanks for sharing.

Gotta disagree on Ebbett: he's been waived and claimed two separate times this season, so the Wings could have had him (like Miller) if they had any desire. They were certainly higher on the waiver priority list than the Hawks were when he was claimed by them.

Ryan Johnson is an interesting one, however. I don't know anything about this guy, so I'll take your word for it – that he's a gritty shot blockin' kinda guy. As long as he (or anyone else) doesn't take time away from Abdelkader (except in the dot, because Gator blows at faceoffs).

By: Rob Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:23:14 +0000 Hey Petrella great read, I've got my thoughts on the cap situation over at my new blog. Feel free to take a look.

By: Michael Petrella Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:21:48 +0000 Oh, yeah, totally. I was just using those numbers as examples. It would take a lot more than that to pry Gagner away from the Oilers. He might be willing to sign for 2M, but the Oilers will DEFINITELY match. To get the Oilers to shy away from matching, it might take somewhere in the mid-3's — which would be a 1st and 3rd round pick going the other way.

If the Oilers didn't match 2M and accepted the second round pick, I'd HAND DELIVER it to them.

By: Adam Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:17:51 +0000 To other teams, giving up a 2nd round draft pick may seem like a lot, but for us it really isnt much at all. Only 2 of the players currently on our roster that were drafted by our organization were drafted before the 3rd round (Kronwall and Howard). Im not advocating giving up a 2nd round pick in any way but to pick up a player like gagne in return would be very worth it.

By: Michael Petrella Thu, 18 Feb 2010 18:04:28 +0000 The way RFAs work, briefly, is the current team (in Gagner's case, the Oilers) need only "qualify" him, meaning – offer him a 10 (or 15, I forget which)% raise. He doesn't need to sign this offer, but if he does — great. He has a new contract.

If he doesn't sign it, but it is offered, the Oilers retain the rights to him. If any other team attempts to sign him (buzzword: "offer sheet"), the Oilers have a right to match that offer. If the Oilers do not wish to match the terms, they are entitled to draft pick compensation, which changes each year, but here are last year's:

Gagner makes 1.625M this season. If the Wings (or another team) signed him to an offer sheet of 2M (for example) and the Oilers DID NOT MATCH (which they likely would), the Wings would have to send a 2nd round pick to Edmonton as compensation.

Check out that link and see the other compensation required for taking another team's RFA. It's why it RARELY happens.

By: Adam Thu, 18 Feb 2010 17:56:43 +0000 How exactly does the RFA system work? And what would we have to give up, if say, we went after Sam Gagne of the Oilers? (i have a bit of a man-crush on him)

By: J.J. from Kansas Thu, 18 Feb 2010 17:41:49 +0000 Heck, I should say heck about a dozen more heck times.


By: J.J. from Kansas Thu, 18 Feb 2010 17:35:59 +0000 I'd probably take Raffi Torres too. He's not too big, but the guy's pretty scrappy. If you want true size, Alexei Ponikarovsky is also available, but I don't see Burke letting him get out of Toronto.

Heck, if we throw out my size argument (heck, Hudler isn't big, but he makes up for it in other ways), you could take a flyer on Marek Svatos. I know I was talking about how he's gotten worse every year, but it could just be that he needs a fresh team. We could probably get him on the relatively cheap and I think he could produce in the 40-50 point rage we're looking for out of a guy. He's also a right-hand shot.
