Comments on: Don’t think that quote isn’t for you, Chris Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Mon, 01 Feb 2010 23:51:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Baroque Mon, 01 Feb 2010 23:51:37 +0000 I would hate to see Maltby in another uniform, but if he wanted to go elsewhere and play instead of being a healthy scratch more often than not, I couldn't possibly begrudge him that opportunity.

I would hope the youngsters on his new team would appreciate him. 🙁

By: Michael Petrella Mon, 01 Feb 2010 20:51:28 +0000 @Rob — I also have a hard time seeing Maltby in another uniform. Like I said, he's a life and death Red Wing. And one of my favorites since forever…But I bet the Wings approach him and say something along the lines of "this is your last go-around with the Wings, and chances are good you'll end up a healthy scratch down the stretch… would you rather be a part of the team for another run (likely) or go somewhere and contribute nightly?"

He's not going anywhere. If we learned anything this season, it's that you can't have too many experienced NHLers.

@Winged Up — Never underestimate the use of the media for motivation. Mike Babcock has a degree in sports psychology (apparently, it's a thing), so I don't question his METHODS of motivating, if that's what he's doing. I guess only time will tell.

@Herm — I won't go so far as to call it naive, because it's a good point. He could have just been praising the amazing efforts given by Howard, but given the quote-unquote mini-feud going on…one has to think that he's at least tangentially giving it to Ozzie. Not that Ozzie doesn't deserve it…

By: Guilherme Calciolari Mon, 01 Feb 2010 20:44:20 +0000 About the quote: was it a call out to Osgood or was it a praise to a guy who made 92 saves that gave him 3 out of 4 points in the weekend?

Osgood specified he was thrashing Babcock, but I didn't see the coach saying "that's goaltending, not the shit that old guy gave us".

Naive? Probably.

By: WingedUP Mon, 01 Feb 2010 20:28:59 +0000 As far as the Babs/Ozzie thing, I think I agree with a comment I saw elsewhere: they see each other in the locker room and at practice EVERY day. Say it to faces, not out in the media. Fans don't really want/need to hear the bickering in the media. I end up disappointed in them, because they're grown men-they shouldn't need the media as an outlet to voice their frustration with each other.

And I can't see Maltby getting moved. It just doesn't seem plausible to me, for a variety of reasons. (I hope)

By: Michael Petrella Mon, 01 Feb 2010 19:51:11 +0000 JJ, 100%. I would NEVER like saying goodbye to Maltby. I adore him. But if he would rather be mentoring young players and PLAYING instead of being a healthy scratch in Detroit, he's earned that right in my opinion (and yours, it seems).

By: J.J. from Kansas Mon, 01 Feb 2010 19:49:24 +0000 The only way I'm ok with Maltby getting moved is if I hear from Ken Holland that Maltby asked to be moved. Otherwise, no way i'd be happy with that.

Babcock gets more leeway than Osgood because he's the coach. He deserves more leeway. If Ozzie says something that's true, but unnecessary, he's challenging Babs' authority and being a dick about it. If Babs does the same thing, he's trying to elicit a response. I personally still think it's a dick move and think he should't have said it, but he deserves more leeway to do it.

By: Rob Discher Mon, 01 Feb 2010 19:35:34 +0000 I'm having a VERY hard time seeing Malts in another uni. Something just doesn't seem right there. Remember when he was tied for the team scoring lead back in…September?

I'm torn on the Babs thing. On one hand, he's right…Tiberius is playing out of his head and Ozzie is being an underachieving pain in the ass. Remember that if Ozzie played well from the get-go, we probably wouldn't have seen Jimmy get a foothold like he has. I also trust Babs implicitly. On the other hand, this is an already tough season and the bickering makes it tougher, not easier, to stomach losses to teams like…oh…I dunno…Long Island and Minnesota.

By: CaptNorris5 Mon, 01 Feb 2010 19:30:51 +0000 @jennbikegirl I'm not sure about giving him extra leeway because he's the coach. If anything that means he should keep his trap shut. It'd be different if perhaps Ozzie had played in the game, but to mf a guy who sat on the bench in the press… that seems stupid and vindictive. One of the key reasons people always cite for why players like to play in detroit is that they're treated so well by the Organization. Those comments break from the philosophy pretty significatnly. I agree that I'd like them to both shut up. But honestly, I understand Ozzie's comments more as I can understand the frustration involved. Overall, they ought to shut the hell up and get into playoff position.

By: Michael Petrella Mon, 01 Feb 2010 19:25:25 +0000 Jenn, you make a good point. I suppose it isn't the ends that justify the means if you're borderline vindictive. He clearly MEANT to call out Osgood, so that's the only merit his comments should be judged on. Does he have a point? Yes. He is right? Of course he is. Is it appropriate to say such things in the media? Probably not. I've said plenty of things that were true that I probably should have known better than to utter (i.e. "it'll be a cold day in hell before I take driving lessons from YOU, sweetheart.")

Also, I decided that it'd be easier to HEAL than it would be to learn how to Photoshop, so I'll videotape it. It probably won't happen – we both know that – but I'll figure something creative out when/if the time comes.

By: jennbikegirl Mon, 01 Feb 2010 19:15:59 +0000 Oh, and I like how now you have promised to videotape the backflip! Last week you said you wouldn't. I was willing to settle for the Photoshop.
