Comments on: Chris Osgood: despised by Mike Babcock, the rest of us Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Thu, 21 Jan 2010 16:45:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bella Thu, 21 Jan 2010 16:45:19 +0000 Boy, am I late to the party. Great post … I completely agree that Ozzie has every right to be pissed off, but on the other hand, his play has done little to help his cause. Meanwhile, Jimmah's spent the last few months telling us all to STFU. And I absoutely HATE when players complaint about coaching decisions in the press, even if it is warranted … makes them sound like little petulant bitches.

By: Baroque Thu, 21 Jan 2010 08:30:25 +0000 I think Osgood is struggling with himself, too – he probably alternates between the good team guy helping Howard as much as he can to improve as a goaltender, and the unhappy veteran who doesn't want to think about a younger player taking his job, depending on his mood. It can't be easy – but that is even more reasons for him to keep quiet about his emotions, that they are likely churned up a bit.

By: Casey Thu, 21 Jan 2010 03:18:30 +0000 Here's the way I see things:

1. Osgood has a right to be upset with his playing time. BUT, when you voice the reason for your bad play as the coach's fault for not playing you, that's just plain stupid. If you really think you deserve to play more, go out there and play like you deserve it–no matter how long you've missed time.

2. Osgood has been a perennial benefactor of exceptional defenses in front of him. He floundered in St. Louis and with the Islanders when the defenses were poor at best. Oz has never had the best angles, the quickest glove hand or drop to the ice, good rebound control, or even a distinguishable style of play (other than chaos) to be honest. I know I'll catch a lot of flack for this but Chris Osgood is a mediocre goalie at best. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy and what he has done for this team but he has relied HEAVILY on the defenses in front of him in the past.

3. Although, I'm not ready to proclaim Jimmy the savior of the Wings in net, he does give them the best chance to win. We all know by now that this team is just flat out not producing goals so defense and a low score is vital. Last year, Osgood was able to get away with the 3, 4 goal games with out many people batting an eye because the Wings often came out on top. But this year, keeping the other team off the board is the focus and Jimmy has the best chance of doing that for Detroit.

4. Finally, it's just that time. It's time for Osgood to hand over the reigns in Detroit. And I don't think he likes it one bit. I can't really say I blame him but how do you show a guy how to handle himself in the lockerroom and with the press if you're mouthing off about what he's doing instead of you?

5.If this continues, Osgood will put a big nasty stain on his career in Detroit. I don't think anyone wants to remember him for this type of stuff over the games he played.

On a side note, Babcock is proving Jeremy Roenick wrong on the notion that he "hates America" after giving the goaltending reigns to Howard–an American.

By: Michael Petrella Thu, 21 Jan 2010 02:54:20 +0000 Truth be told, I didn't notice, either. HA! That means it was all Rob and, like usual, genius flows.

By: jennbikegirl Thu, 21 Jan 2010 02:51:26 +0000 Hey Michael and Rob, just noticed the new banner – I like!!

By: Baroque Thu, 21 Jan 2010 01:33:26 +0000 I think that Howard might have had an easier time stopping that third goal than Osgood, though – only because he goes so very far out of the goal that the puck would have deflected right into him because there wouldn't have been room for it to go through anywhere. Because of the style difference I think that one he might have been more likely to grab than Osgood did.

Other than that, it's impossible to really say.

By: jennbikegirl Thu, 21 Jan 2010 00:26:14 +0000 I live in Colorado, so you can imagine what I have to put up with! I could get worked up into a serious rant about it – but today is Ozzie rant day, so I'll hold off. 🙂

By: Baroque Wed, 20 Jan 2010 23:55:29 +0000 I'm sure there will be a very intelligent, informed discussion on the subject in the comments section over there.

Hahahahahahahahaha! 🙂

Oddly enough, Colorado fans are the one I have the hardest time actually having a conversation with – Penguins fans and Chicago fans are much more able to avoid the "Dead Wings fan! You SUCK!" meme than most of the Colorado fans I've heard. I just kind of write them off.

By: jennbikegirl Wed, 20 Jan 2010 23:03:14 +0000 Great news everyone! Adrian Dater has picked up on the Ozzie-Babs friction.

I'm sure there will be a very intelligent, informed discussion on the subject in the comments section over there.

By: Jessie Wed, 20 Jan 2010 22:30:02 +0000 @Herm, you make a good point. I'm not sure if the defense has simply been able to adapt to Jimmy's game, or if they really play with more confidence in front of him….With all of the other injuries and everything else taking place this season, it's hard to say. Perhaps it's a little bit of both.

Personally, as far as the Ozzie debate goes, his comments to the press bothered me more than his lackluster performance. However, I do remember commenting on one shift that everyone was playing goalie except for Ozzie, he was incredibly out of position.

I have to agree with Natalie, It's too bad this battle between Osgood and Babcock is now in the media…It's certainly not typical Red Wings protocal…
