Comments on: Jimmy Howard Drinks Your Milkshake* Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:54:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Petrella Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:54:39 +0000 Ha! I just saw these comments. I didn't see who called the penalties (mostly because I didn't care), but it's completely ridiculous when the far ref calls ANYTHING. I bet something's done about that either between seasons or at the next CBA when the rules are all flippity flopped again.

You're on to something, Kyle. Neither of those penalties were of the "should be called" variety, but they HAVE been called all season so he's either gotta learn or stop putting his stick on people. Also, if we're all noticing he's a target, he noticed too (in theory…that's suggesting he, ya know, has some sort of cognitive ability).

At this point, it's become comical more than anything. People EXPECT Bertuzzi-hate when I'm at the keyboard, and I'm happy to deliver. HA!

Also, I've got a bet going with Andy and I reallllllly have no intention of losing.

By: Kyle Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:49:11 +0000 I know who it's coming from, just razzing him. Figured once he took the second penalty there would be something said here, but I was hoping when that goon Datsyuk took two it might get Tahd off the hook.

By: Rob Discher Sat, 09 Jan 2010 02:21:37 +0000 @Andy and Kyle – Point taken, but at some point…and remember, this is coming from the PRO-tuzzi faction of TPL…Bertz needs to realize that whatever he's doing is landing him in the sin bin on a regular basis. Most of the time, Bertuzzi's goals justify the wonky means (blind spinning passes?). In this case, the ends point towards some needed adjustments.

By: Andy Fri, 08 Jan 2010 20:59:28 +0000 Kyle has a good point. As Malik said on the View, he is flagged as one of the bigest obstructors…

By: Kyle Fri, 08 Jan 2010 19:26:29 +0000 I think both of Bert's penalties were called by the far ref, so I hope you realize the irony in calling Bert out for penalties (which came out of scrambles) as well as inconsistent officiating =).

I think Bert gets too much heat for the penalties. That second one wasn't great, but after hearing all offseason about how he takes dumb penalties I've been less than enthused to see how many he gets just for being Todd Bertuzzi. He literally cannot touch another player on the back without some ref assuming he's trying to hold him. That said, he needs to be smarter about getting his stick parallel. I've noticed he uses his stick to push and not hook at times, but as long as the refs see it horizontal with the ice he's going to the box, because he's Burt.

By: Andy Fri, 08 Jan 2010 16:28:43 +0000 yeah, it seems like you're right

By: Michael Petrella Fri, 08 Jan 2010 15:32:29 +0000 @Andy – I think you're mistaken about the penalty. Pav got called 4 minutes into the second, but Tuzzi took a hooking call with 2:14 to play in the period. That's the one I'm referring to, immediately following that mad scramble.

And you're 100% right. He should have known better on the 3rd period penalty. That call (as weak as it was) has been called all season (sadly). Unnecessary on his part, too.

@JJ – I can't say I share your painful butt, however my arm is killing me this morning, and the only thing I can think of is how hard I swung when Helm scored.

With regards to Pavel, I think he looked frustrated (thus the anti-Byng game), but as far as I can tell he's the only one on the top line that's 100%-ish. Zetterberg is probably going to take a few games to get his rhythm back, and the best Todd Bertuzzi can give you is like 9 or 10%.

@Jenny – Ya know, I think the D is learning about Howard's rebound control problems. Earlier in the season, they just kind of stood around looking at the pucks careening off of him, but I think they're doing a good job of clearing (for the most part) now. Last night, however, no one could seem to get a read on the puck. It was like a dropped football for some reason. So you're right, his blueline had some issues helping him out.

@Anon – I also noticed the size difference, particularly on a play in the third where Frolov and Rafalski were racing head-to-head. I had no idea Frolov was that large (or if he's just regular sized and Rafi is tiny). I can't say I'm surprised about Leino, but – like I said – I really don't remember seeing him at all.

By: Anonymous Fri, 08 Jan 2010 14:58:06 +0000 Rough night for Pavs and Z but check out the size of the competition. Other than Bert, we just don't have the size or the beef up front. With the Mule, it would have been a little different out there. LA has only 4 forwards listed at under 6'0" and no defensemen. I thought we looked like munchkins in comparison. Luckily we had Jimmy and a very fast munchkin to win the game for us.

And I noticed Ville on the ice a lot. Face down. On his back. Crushed against the boards on his side – right and left.

By: jennyquarx Fri, 08 Jan 2010 14:44:41 +0000 I'm with you on Jimmy. Outstanding performance. Super fun (and heart attack inducing) to watch. Yes, he needs to control the rebound better but the team needs to clear the puck better too.

Helm was amazing too.

By: J.J. from Kansas Fri, 08 Jan 2010 14:37:28 +0000 The Bert call was brutal, especially considering all the non-calls early. Yes, he got his stick parallel, but it was forced that way by a wedge.

Still, the whole top line struggled. I think they did a pretty good job keeping the Kings' guys to the outside in their defensive zone, but didn't create more than two or three good chances at even strength. Lots of people want to blame Datsyuk alone for that. The nicest thing I can say in response to that is "I disagree".

The big point though. Jimmy effin' Howard. Ho. Lee. Shit, that guy was awesome. I don't care what saves look like as long as they happen. I'm pretty sure I strained my butthole from clenching it so tightly in the second period.
