Comments on: 12/23 :: REMATCH! Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Wed, 23 Dec 2009 22:44:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rob Discher Wed, 23 Dec 2009 22:44:19 +0000 In Chicagoland this week hoping to give us a little positive ju-ju. I sense a cooling right now in Wingsland. Nervous it makes me.

By: ChristineRWBNB Wed, 23 Dec 2009 21:25:31 +0000 Kane absolutely dives like Greg. And I'm happy to take over official hating him duties if J.J. is too busy.

By: J.J. from Kansas Wed, 23 Dec 2009 20:47:46 +0000 Wow, do I really sound like that? I always thought my commenting voice had kind of a Clark Gable quality.

I'm hoping the boos Hossa hears at the Joe aren't too loud, but yeah, I'd take Stuart prematurely knocking him into next year. Actually, I'd prefer it more if he did it to Kane. I realized this morning that if Zetterberg is the Red Wings player I probably don't like as much as I should, then Kane is the one player in the league I don't spend enough time hating on. For all the diving accusations Crosby lives through, I'm amazed nobody calls Kane out on his Louganisesque bullshit.
