Comments on: Red Wings travel to New Jersey, wish to be anywhere but there Archived version of TPL - Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net Sun, 06 Dec 2009 04:11:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Petrella Sun, 06 Dec 2009 04:11:42 +0000 Fair enough, Casey – but I know the final score and followed some folks on Twitter. We're still in Pennsylvania taking care of some last minute things, but I think we're heading back to New York tonight. I'll probably watch the game on DVR in the morning and be the late-comer on the recaps. And then, it's back to your regularly scheduled snark at TPL

By: Casey Sun, 06 Dec 2009 04:03:49 +0000 I want to comment, but I'll let you watch the games first.

By: Michael Petrella Sun, 06 Dec 2009 03:00:20 +0000 @Baroque – totally. Brodeur, like Patrick Roy, has that "ew… he's touching me with his mind" feel. Maybe it's the accent. Frenchies are weird like that. I assume.

@Christine – totally, part II. Say what you will about his play and lifetime record, I can't remember too many instances of complete and total mental midgetry that rank up with Osgood's history of such.

@JJ – I guess I never thought about it like that, Brodeur = No Hasek, but I think that's a trade I'd make, as much as I feel Dom was the "better" goalie for many of those years. I think I'd take my chances with Marty and the Red Wings during the 90's and 00's. I'm calling it now: 21 Stanley Cups in 20 years. I dunno how. But we would have found a way. Even in the lockout year, which we'd win twice.

By: J.J. from Kansas Sat, 05 Dec 2009 19:52:24 +0000 Parise would be an easy choice in a heartbeat, but yeah, Rolston is definitely a guy who would have had a more realistic shot of landing here and I like his work ethic.

No Brodeur = no Dominic Hasek years and I'm not sure how different my life would be without all the joy and tears, laughter and sorrow he brought me. Actually, Brodeur in a Winged Wheel probably means I'd be a more well-rounded and socially capable individual. Oh well.

By: ChristineRWBNB Sat, 05 Dec 2009 18:16:51 +0000 Here's hoping there's no need to add another Osgood "brain injury" to that list…

By: Baroque Sat, 05 Dec 2009 14:35:32 +0000 I want Zach Parise.

For some reason I have never liked Brodeur – he's an excelelnt goaltender, but he has this kind of slutty stalker vibe in every interview I've seen that makes me wonder if I should smack him across the face or just not turn my back on him in case he decided to get inappropriately "friendly."
